Monday, December 21, 2009

Why Wait?

We've seen several celebrity deaths this year not to mention people in our own personal lives. Death is the inevitable. It has no exact time or place. Now this isn't meant to be about death. My blog is entitled "Waiting for Change." It is meant to describe my personal journey in life but to also be an inspiration to others.

As another year ends I chose to reflect on the last decade of my life. Its kind of funny because most of us decide to make changes or resolutions for the new year, but what about the present? We always say, "I'm not promised tomorrow." Since that holds true, Why Wait?

So I started already. A few months ago I made a sincere decision to do better by God. I found an emotional peace about certain things and it felt great! But let me tell you something since then I have been hit with so many other life altering decisions. There are people in my life that while I love them dearly must be removed, there are things that must be removed, also some very bad habits that I have to break. I tell you this isn't easy either. So as the year end draws closer I'm making sincere efforts to get things off my chest and clear my heart. Call me selfish but you can turn the other cheek only so many times.

So for the person that's reading this that feels you're at a breaking point, start now. Here are a few steps to help you out:

1. Pray for guidance & direction
2. Write out what you want to say
3. Remain calm & focus
4. Stand firm on your decision
5. Forgive them but you don't have to forget, for your pain is real
6. Pray some more

I'm a work-in-progress but I'm determined to get it together. You can too!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I'm at a crossroad in life. Things have changed around me drastically. Some I had control over but others I didn't. I woke up one morning in June to have the rug pulled right up from under me. The funny thing is I asked for this change to come but not at the time it did. At first I was in disbelief then I realized that it was for the best. I wanted this change to happen but I wanted to be the one to make it happen.

As I look back I believe that something good has to come from this, but for right now I can't see it. I lost my job, my relationship came to an end and financial matters became worse. So I decided seek spiritual help from God. I gave it all to Him. However I found it too hard to let go and to just see his miracles work in my favor. As the days go by He reveals to me that I can't do this without Him. I'm learning daily that I must trust in Him in order for me to get ahead. I have to listen carefully and obey the lessons that He wants me learn.

I'm looking forward to the change that is coming my way. I know that He'll give me all the desires of my heart even when I don't deserve them. I've chosen to try and move one step closer to God everyday. I'm not perfect but I strive to be more like He wants me to be rather than what I want to be.

This is my first blog so I would love to hear what you think about it.

Have you been at a crossroad in life? How did you decide what road to take?