Tuesday, September 22, 2009


I'm at a crossroad in life. Things have changed around me drastically. Some I had control over but others I didn't. I woke up one morning in June to have the rug pulled right up from under me. The funny thing is I asked for this change to come but not at the time it did. At first I was in disbelief then I realized that it was for the best. I wanted this change to happen but I wanted to be the one to make it happen.

As I look back I believe that something good has to come from this, but for right now I can't see it. I lost my job, my relationship came to an end and financial matters became worse. So I decided seek spiritual help from God. I gave it all to Him. However I found it too hard to let go and to just see his miracles work in my favor. As the days go by He reveals to me that I can't do this without Him. I'm learning daily that I must trust in Him in order for me to get ahead. I have to listen carefully and obey the lessons that He wants me learn.

I'm looking forward to the change that is coming my way. I know that He'll give me all the desires of my heart even when I don't deserve them. I've chosen to try and move one step closer to God everyday. I'm not perfect but I strive to be more like He wants me to be rather than what I want to be.

This is my first blog so I would love to hear what you think about it.

Have you been at a crossroad in life? How did you decide what road to take?